Rock the Bloc 2015


Official results [click here]




Dear climbers, chers grimpeurs, liebe Kletterer,


We have the pleasure to invite you to the 5th edition of the event Rock the Bloc, taking place at the Downtown climbing gym of the Boulder Klub Letzebuerg. This event is for all climbing levels and involves two qualification rounds. The qualification rounds take place in April 2015 (1st - 30th) and in January/February 2016 (29th January - 14th February). Please find further details below.


Nous avons l´honneur de vous inviter à la cinquième édition de l´événement Rock the Bloc, qui aura lieu dans la salle d´escalade du Boulder Klub Letzebuerg. Cet événement, pour tout niveau d´escalade, se compose de deux qualifications, en Avril 2015 (1. -31. Avril) et en Janvier/Février 2016 (29 janvier - 14 Février). Veuillez trouver tous les règles ci-après. 


Hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zur fünften Ausführung unseres Events Rock the Bloc ein, welches in der Kletterhalle des Boulder Klub Letzebuerg stattfindet. An diesem Event können sowohl Anfänger als auch Fortgeschrittene teilnehmen. Rock the Bloc besteht aus zwei Qualifikationsrunden. Die Qualifikationsrunden finden jeweils im April 2015 (1.-30. April) und December/Januar 2016 (29.01 - 14.02) statt.





  • Two qualification rounds
  • Qualification round 1: April 2015
  • Qualification round 2: Your score in the HardMoves (at BKL) will be considered for the second RTB round ranking. Both events run simultaneously.
  • Winners? The best climbers of both rounds will win this year’s RTB

  • There are 3 categories: Open (for everyone), Youth (< 16 years old), and Veterans (> 39 years old)
  • New - Participate as a team: You have to be at least 3 climbers (or more) in one team. Find more details here
  • In the qualification rounds, there are no judges and climbers have no attempt limitation.



Boulder League

For the first time, we offer the possibility to register as a team. More information: Bouldering Team League.





Partners of the Rock the Bloc 2015


Sponsors Rock the Bloc



(c) BOULDER KLUB LETZEBUERG (2017) - All rights reserved